All files should follow these image specifications: .jpg or .jpeg format in sRGB; should be a minimum of 1920 px on the long edge and maximum 3000 px. No borders, watermarks or signatures allowed. Your image(s) will be immediately disqualified if these elements are included.
All files for the Individual Photo categories, should be submitted with the following naming convention: category_title.jpg(replace spaces with underscores; do NOT include your name) — example: WingedLife_Flamingos.jpg
All files for the Photo Story: In My Backyard category, should be submitted with the following naming convention: photostory_title_imagenumber.jpg (replace spaces with underscores; do not include your name)—example: PhotoStory_ExtraordinaryLife_1.jpg
If you are submitting to the Photo Story: In My Backyard category, please include images.
We recommend uploading all of your images at once as you can only upload photos at the 'upload stage' on Picter. If you are filling out image descriptions and find you still have more images to add, please use the left-hand menu to navigate back to the upload page.
Important: Please double check that you have submitted all desired photos before proceeding to checkout. You may enter up to 10 images (in any category) as a single project. You may enter multiple “projects.”